Bridging the gap between schools and parents

At Alderwood Guardians, we know that your child's safety, happiness, and education are top priorities. As a leading UK educational guardianship company we provide outstanding care and reliable guardianship services for international students studying in the United Kingdom.
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Who are we?

A nationwide network of experienced Guardians and UK Education experts

We are a London-based educational guardianship agency, providing full support to students of all ages. Our carefully selected network of host families across the UK offers a nurturing environment, ensuring a smooth transition for international students.
Our team of dedicated professionals speak English, Ukrainian, Russian, and Chinese, facilitating easy communication between schools and families to ensure the comfort and well-being of our students in the UK.
What is an Educational Guardian?

From assisting with studies to ordering a taxi - we’ll be there to help.

We understand the challenges students face in a new educational environment abroad. We pride ourselves on durability to offer comprehensive support and guidance throughout their journey.
We personally welcome students upon their arrival, ensuring they feel supported in their transition. We become trusted friends, offering ongoing support, mentoring, and guidance. Our focus is on their well-being, academic success, and personal growth.
a boy studying
Student 3
Who requires an Educational Guardian?

For all overseas students in the UK

Every overseas student attending boarding school in the UK, whose parents are not based in the country, requires an educational guardian. It is important to note that the vast majority of boarding schools in the UK have a requirement that educational guardians be accredited by the relevant governing bodies. This accreditation ensures that educational guardians meet the necessary standards and can fulfil their responsibilities effectively.

We provide support across all areas

Assigned Educational Guardian based in London, UK
Our professional educational Guardians are permanently based in the UK and accredited under Alderwood Guardians by the Boarding Schools Association and AEGIS. With a wealth of experience, we are well-equipped to take full responsibility for students, providing comprehensive pastoral care and academic support.
Signing of all necessary paperwork with the school
One of the key functions of an Educational Guardian is to review, coordinate, complete and sign necessary paperwork, which may include medical, logistical and legal permissions (such as photo-release forms, vaccination records and permission for excursions).
24 hr Emergency contact
In the rare and unfortunate event that a student is seriously unwell or requires emergency treatment, our Educational Guardians provide an invaluable link between all parties, as well as practical and emotional support to the student.
Organisation of hosting
Host families provide accommodation for students predominantly for exeat weekends, half-terms or in the case of any emergencies (e.g., illness)
Monitoring necessary school Emails
Schools in the UK tend to prefer communication via email and often the amount of information they send can be overwhelming. We monitor and filter back the most important information to parents, with translations where required.
School visits
Our Educational Guardians are available to visit students at school during term time; this could be collecting them for exeat or holidays, attending concerts or sports events in order to support the student’s participation in the school.
Translation of essential correspondence*
In cases where parental input is required, our Educational Guardians will translate the necessary documentation in order to help parents make an informed decision (such as subject selection or taking part in a school’s optional insurance program).
*Included in the Plus Package
Translation of term calendar and events*
Before the beginning of each academic year, our team will provide a translated copy of the published school calendar including all key dates and events ensuring non-English speaking parents can plan ahead with confidence.

Included in the Plus Package*
International/Domestic ticket bookings
Coordinating effective domestic and international travel arrangements for weekends and half-terms can pose parents with a logistical challenge. Our team has expertise in the efficient organisation of all forms of domestic and international travel.
Exeat arrangements
Exeats are weekends when schools close and all students need to leave (usually Friday-Sunday, sometimes also Monday when there is a bank holiday). As part of the hosting services, Alderwood Guardians can organise suitable accommodation for students.
Ordering personal items and equipment for students
Boarding schools often have specific equipment and clothing requirements; our team can help to source and purchase particular items (such as gum shields for sport). In addition, we can help students buy other necessary items that they may need when in the UK for school or leisure.
Attending parent-teacher meetings
Parent-Teacher meetings normally occur once per term. They are a chance for teachers to talk at length and answer questions regarding progress and highlight any concerns that there might be. Our Educational Guardians attend meetings on parents’ behalf in order to ask questions, get feedback, help monitor students’ progress and relay this information back to parents.
Monitoring Academic Progress
Schools generally issue reports every term or twice a term. Sometimes grades and other metrics can be hard to interpret as there is no standard grading system between schools and teachers' comments can be oblique. We condense, clarify and communicate the key points in reports to parents. In addition, our partner organisation Luminary Education, works closely to monitor academic progress and is always on hand to organise any necessary tuition.
Supplementary tutoring
Students under the supervision of our team have the advantage of access to our team of expert tutors at preferential pricing.
Ordering materials for students
Scientific calculators, textbooks, software, devices: whatever our students require, we can help source, purchase and deliver. This ensures that parents and students never need to worry about not having the correct academic materials or equipment.
Translation services
Our Educational Guardians condense, clarify and translate the key points in reports to parents. Alderwood Guardian’s Russian-, Ukrainian- and Chinese-speaking consultants are always on hand to discuss results, planning and decisions.
Arranging medical appointments
We can arrange and organise appointments with healthcare and dental specialists when required, as well as recommend specialists.
Communication with houseparents when required
The individual at school with direct responsibility for students is the House Parent. Our Educational Guardians contact, create and maintain a close relationship with House Parents in order to monitor students’ welfare as they settle into their new and unfamiliar environment. By building this relationship over time, our Educational Guardians ensure that our students’ welfare at school is optimised and any concerns are resolved in a timely manner.
Translation of correspondence from houseparents
House Parents are the first point of contact regarding the social and emotional well-being of students. Accordingly Alderwood’s Educational Guardians translate all correspondence between houseparents and parents in order to maximise parents’ involvement and peace of mind.
Catch-up calls
With the advent of the internet communication has never been easier; however, when students find themselves in unfamiliar surroundings in a new country, a regular weekly catch-up with a friendly face can be very reassuring. Likewise, if there have been academic, social or disciplinary concerns a weekly catch-up can help monitor the situation and are supported by House Parents.
Additional school visits
There may be additional reasons for one-off school visits; academic or disciplinary concerns may have arisen, or there might be a crucial meeting regarding subject choices or university applications. Whatever the reason, we are on call to visit the school when required.
Organising birthday parties/gifts/entertainment
At Alderwood Guardians we understand the importance of creating memories that go beyond the classroom, allowing students to explore and engage in new experiences. Our dedicated team can assist in booking venues, arranging tickets, coordinating transportation, and planning events both within and outside the boarding school premises. We also understand that birthdays are a time for celebration and let’s be honest, who doesn’t enjoy a thoughtful present on their birthday!
Attending a match, concert or event
Boarding school provides students with the chance to actively participate in a wide range of activities, including sports teams, school plays, and orchestras, fostering a sense of inclusivity and engagement. These events also offer students the unique opportunity to showcase their talents and skills in front of an audience. There is no better encouragement for a younger student than seeing a friendly face before, during and after the event, which is why we will always be available to attend events and even send videos to parents.

Guardianship packages tailored specifically to your requirements

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Our Packages

We offer three packages

Each designed to support students and parents in all areas


Our Essentials package provides the minimum required coverage for parents who are confident that they do not require additional logistical or personal support on the ground in the UK.
Key feautres
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Assigned Guardian based in London, UK
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Signing of all necessary school paperwork
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24hr emergency contact


Our Advanced package provides additional contact and communication with the school to provide academic oversight and personal support service for the student and their family.
In addition to the Essentials package
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Monitoring necessary school emails
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EXEAT weekend arrangements
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Arranging doctor or other appointments.


Our Plus package provides the full range of services but with the additional benefit of a Russian/Ukrainian-speaking point of contact for parents & translation of all essential communication & documentation into Russian/Ukrainian.
In addition to the Advanced package
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Translation of school reports
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Communication with houseparents
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Correspondence translation
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Translation of term calendar and events
Compare all plans

Let’s talk

We're here to help and answer any questions you might have. We look forward to hearing from you!
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